Law no. 119/2013, the so-called “feminicide” law, has established a national fund to support anti-violence centres and shelters. It establishes the minimum services to be provided and has introduced significant innovations regarding court rulings for abusive men.
The Istanbul Agreement of 11 May 2011, which establishes that violence against women is a crime to all effects and purposes, and not only a social plague anymore, was enforced in Italy on 1 August 2014.
Already in 2012 the Lombardy Regional Administration approved Regional Law no. 11 of 3 July 2012 (Interventions of prevention, contrast and support to benefit women victims of violence), thus committing itself to fight the phenomenon.
On 10 November 2015, with Resolution no. X/894, the Regional Council adopted the ‘Four-year regional plan for equality policies and to prevent and fight violence against women 2015/2018’ as a programming tool.
The action trends of the Anti-Violence Plan belong to the framework of equality policies and pursue two macro-objectives:
- prevent the phenomenonof male violence against women and encourage their disclosure;
- welcome, support, protect women who have suffered violence and lead them towards autonomy.
The Plan is structured in 4 main action trends to implement the main policy objectives:
- Inform and sensitise
- Educate and consolidate skills
- Assist and support women victims of violence
- Monitor the phenomenon